Click to download: Sound Grinder 2.2.2
Changes in Version 2.2.1
Implemented additional support for LAME MP3
Sound Grinder provides additional support for LAME MP3 builds.
Fix for Dual-mono Sound Designer II files
Fixed an issue where dual-mono Sound Designer II files were not created .
Improved import capability for Pro Tools™
Fixed an issue where Sound Designer II files were not recognized as audio by Pro Tools™.
Changes in Version 2.2
New codecs for the WAVE file format
Sound Grinder now provides Alaw and µlaw compression for the WAVE format.
Added "Other..." option for custom sample rates
Sound Grinder now has the option of specifying custom sample rates by choosing, "Other..." from the sample rate pop-up menu.
New Rapid Convert™ function
When initiating a Rapid Convert session, if Sound Grinder is not open, Sound Grinder will launch, process the files, and then quit.If Sound Grinder is running and a Rapid Convert session is launched, Sound Grinder will remain open after the process is complete.
Changes in Version 2.1.1
MP3 Improvements
Sound Grinder now provides support for additional sample rates in MP3 conversion.
Stability Improvement
Fixed a bug where Sound Grinder could potentially crash using Rapid Convert if the preferences were deleted prior to launching.
Fixed a potential crash bug processing more than 4,000 files.
Changes in Version 2.1
Sound Grinder now provides the ability to normalize files during conversion. Both Peak and RMS (Root Mean Squared) methods are available.The Peak method allows you to specify the level of the peak sample in the file.The RMS method allows you to specify the level of the “perceived volume/loudness” of the file.
New AMR Narrowband Format Support
Sound Grinder now provides the ability to create AMR Narrowband(.amr) files.
Changes in Version 2.0.2:
New Naming Option
The "Naming Option" menu now includes the option to keep the original filename during processing, by choosing "Original Filename (no change)".
Improved Activation Process
The activation process has been updated to correct an issue preventing some users from activating.
Updated OGG/Vorbis support
Both OGG support and Vorbis support have been updated to the latest versions.This update also fixes crashes seen with invalid OGG/Vorbis files.
Changes in Version 2.0
Rapid Convert™
Sound Grinder now provides an even faster and more efficient way to process files directly from the Finder through Contextual Menus, the Services menu and through Drag and Drop onto the Sound Grinder application icon (in the Finder or the Dock).
Playback Slider
We have created a unique and effective playback slider that displays the current time and provides scrubbing during drag for easy location of gaps and content.
Additional File Format Support
Sound Grinder now supports OGG/Vorbis, MP3 (LAME codec), and Quicktime Movie support for AAC, Apple Lossless, and AMR Narrowband codecs.
Pull-up/Pull-down sample rates
Sound Grinder now supports the standard Pull-up/Pull-down sample rates for film/video engineers.
Retain Original Folder Structure
Sound Grinder now provides the ability to retain the entire folder structure of the original files during processing.This is extremely useful for processing an entire folder, hard drive, or server volume into a new format while keeping the exact same folder hierarchy.
31 Character Filename Limit
Sound Grinder now includes the ability to limit the processed filename to 31 characters.This provides improved file support for older operating systems.
New Installer
Sound Grinder now incorporates a new streamlined install process that is very simple and gets you up and running quickly.
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