During processing, you can apply as many Audio Units, Monkey Tools, and VST plug-ins as you desire. All available plug-ins are shown in the Plug-ins list. All plug-ins that will be applied during processing are shown in the Pipeline list.
Note: At startup, Sound Grinder Pro will search the standard macOS locations for available plugins. Any new plug-ins will be validated and only those passing the validation process will appear in the Plug-ins list.
Refer to the specific plug-in manufacturer for the required steps to install their product.
Shows all available plug-ins sorted by plug-in type.
Shows the plug-ins that will be used to process files in the order they will be used.
Clear Pipeline
Click to clear all plug-ins from the Pipeline.
Extend Audio to Keep Tails
Turn this on to automatically extend the output to account for any audio tails generated by the plug-ins. Set the specific options by clicking the Settings... button.
Extend Audio to Keep Tails Settings
- Ask Plugins - Select this option to query each plugin for its maximum tail time.
- Detect Silence - Plugins don’t always report their maximum tail time properly. Select this option to process audio until silence is detected at the output.
- Silence Threshold - Specify the threshold below which the audio content will be treated as silence.
- Minimum silence - Specify the minimum amount of “silence” time needed to indicate that all audio tails have ended.
To Add a Plug-In to the Pipeline
- Drag the plug-in name from the Plug-in list to the Pipeline list.
To Reorder Plug-Ins in the Pipeline
- Drag the plug-in name to the new place in the Pipeline list. A thin black line will appear showing the new position in the Pipeline list.
To Remove a Plug-In from the Pipeline
- Drag the plug-in name out of the Pipeline list and release the mouse button.
To Remove all Plug-Ins from the Pipeline
- Click the Clear Pipeline button.
To Set Plug-in Settings
- Double+click the plug-in name in the Pipeline list. The Plug-in Settings window will appear
- Adjust settings as desired.
- Create, update, and select presets as desired.
- If an audio asset is selected in the Asset List, use the Playback transport controls to preview the plugin settings.
- Click OK when finished.
To Set Plug-in Default Settings
- Double+click the plug-in name in the Plug-ins list. The Plug-in Settings will appear.
- Adjust settings as desired as described above.
- Click OK when finished.
- When this plug-in is added to the Pipeline list, it will have these settings.
To Preview All Plug-ins in the Pipeline
- Select audio assets in the Asset List.
- Preview the audio by doing one of the following:
- Press OPTION+Spacebar.
- OPTION+click the Play button.
To Specify What Plug-ins are Available in the Plug-in List
- Hold down the OPTION key when launching Sound Grinder Pro. The Plugin Manager window will appear.
- Enable individual plug-ins by checking the Enable checkbox.
Note: This window will automatically appear when launching Sound Grinder Pro any time new plug-ins have been detected and they have been validated for use with Sound Grinder Pro.
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