In order to be efficient, Sound Grinder Pro includes many ways to access its features. These are described below.
Main Window
COMMAND+A - Select all assets in the Asset List
COMMAND+SHIFT+N - Create new session
COMMAND+O - Open an existing session
COMMAND+R - Reveal the currently selected assets in the macOS Finder
COMMAND+S - Save current session
COMMAND+SHIFT+S - Save current session with a different name
COMMAND+W - Close current session
DELETE - Remove selected assets from the Asset List
S - Spot to single track in the open DAW
OPTION+S - Spot to multiple mono tracks in the open DAW
Waveform Editor
COMMAND+A - Select all audio content
COMMAND+C - Copy selection to the Pasteboard
COMMAND+R - Create Region
COMMAND+V - Paste contents of Pasteboard into audio content
COMMAND+SHIFT+V - Add contents of Pasteboard to beginning of audio content.
COMMAND+SHIFT+OPTION+V - Add contents of Pasteboard to end of audio content.
COMMAND+X - Copy selection to the Pasteboard and delete selection.
COMMAND+Z - Undo <action>
COMMAND+SHIFT+Z - Redo <action>
COMMAND+ ← /→ - Zoom horizontally
COMMAND+ ↑/↓ - Zoom Vertically
COMMAND+OPTION+ → - Select audio content pertaining to the next region to the right
COMMAND+OPTION+ ← - Select audio content pertaining to the next region to the left.
COMMAND+{ - Create Linear Fade In
COMMAND+SHIFT+{ - Create Logarithmic 1 Fade In
COMMAND+OPTION+SHIFT+{ - Create Linear Logarithmic 2 Fade In
COMMAND+} - Create Linear Fade Out
COMMAND+SHIFT+} - Create Logarithmic 1 Fade Put
COMMAND+OPTION+SHIFT+} - Create Linear Logarithmic 2 Fade Out
Enter - Insert Marker(s)
Return - Returns the wiper to the beginning of the file
Playback Controls
J - Scrub backwards
K - Start/Pause playback
L - Scrub forwards
Escape – Stop playing
Space - Start/Pause playback
OPTION+ Space – Hear the results of your settings and plug-ins before processing
↑ - Plays previous file in the list
↓ - Plays next file in the list
← - Skip back or hold to rewind
→ - Skip forward or hold to fast-forward
COMMAND+L – Toggle loop mode between available options
MacOS Services
(Available in the Finder and Contextual Menu)
Select files and folders in the MacOSFinder and CONTROL+click to choose from one of the following in the Sound Grinder Pro section of the contextual menu (in the More section under MacOS 10.5 and later):
- Edit - Imports the audio into the Waveform Editor.
- Import - Imports into a Conversion Window.
- Rapid Convert (Default Settings) – Initiate a Rapid Convert using the settings as specified in Preferences.
- Rapid Convert (Show Settings) – Initiates a Rapid Convert and shows a dialog allowing you to adjust settings before processing.
- Rapid Convert Use Preset – Initiates a Rapid Convert using the selected preset. This option is not available if presets have not been created.
Drag and Drop
Select files and folders in the MacOSFinder and do one of the following:
- To import into a new Convert window - Drag the files and folders onto the Sound Grinder Pro application icon (in the Finder or the Dock) while holding down the OPTION key.
- To import into an existing Convert Window - Drag the files and folders directly into the Convert Window.
- To initiate Rapid Convert using the default settings - Drag the files and folders onto the Sound Grinder Pro application icon (in the Finder or the Dock) while holding down the COMMAND key.
- To initiate Rapid Convert and specifying settings - Drag the files and folders onto the Sound Grinder Pro application icon (in the Finder or the Dock) while holding down the OPTION+COMMAND keys.
You can also drag items from the Asset List in a Convert Window and drop in the MacOS Finder or other application.
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