Applies to Sound Grinder Pro and Library Monkey Pro
Fades specify the gradual increase or decrease in gain over time. In the Waveform Editor, fades are non-destructive. They can be created and adjusted as desired and are only committed when the audio content is saved or exported. When the audio content is played, the fades will be previewed.
Fades can either be a Fade In where the audio content gradually gets louder over time, or a Fade Out where the audio content gradually gets softer over time.
Fade Curves
Currently, the Waveform Editor supplies 3 different curves:
- Logarithmic 1
- Linear
- Logarithmic 2
To Create a Fade
- Select the desired audio content
- Create the fade.
- Select Make Fade from the Selection menu and select the type and curve for the fade.
- Press the corresponding hotkey for the type and curve of the fade you want. See the Make Fade menu in the Selection menu for the current list of hotkeys.
To Adjust Fade In and Out Points
- Click+drag the left and right edges of the fade.
- Click+drag the fade type bar.
To Change Fade Properties
- Double+click the fade title.
- OPTION+click the fade and select Properties... from the contextual menu.
- Select the Fade from the Fade menu in the Edit menu.
To Remove a Fade
- Select the fade and press OPTION+delete.
- OPTION+click the fade and select Remove from the contextual menu.
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